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The Meaningfull Of Life Post-Psychosis Patient: Logotherapy Practices in Perspective Of Islamic Psychotherapy

Fatma Laili Nida, Muhammad Amin Syukur, Sulaiman Sulaiman


One of the fundamental problems in mental recovery of post-psychosis patients is the loss of meaning in life (meaningless). The feeling of meaningless becomes an obstacle to the recovery process which leads to re-treatment. To restore meaning to life, Victor E. Frankl offers the concept of logotherapy as a method of therapy to help bring meaning to life for every individual. This paper aim to explore indications of the  logotherapy as a method used by therapists to assist the mental recovery process of post-psychosis patients at the Jalma Sehat Kudus Mental Rehabilitation Center, as well as how Islamic psychotherapy views it. This research is field research and descriptive qualitative as design, with data collecting through observation, interview and documentation methods. Based on the data obtained, in terms of self-development efforts and the applied therapeutic methods, it shows an indication of the application of the methods in Logotherapy. Self-development efforts are carried out through empowerment activities in social and economic activities that simultaneously with the application of spiritual guidance methods. The formation of attitudes and behaviors that are responsible, independent and have good social skills is an indication of the successful achievement of meaning in life. Although Frankl defines logotherapy as a secular method, in this research it is found that the harmony between the application of logotherapy and the concept of mental health contained in Islamic Psychotherapy with a meeting point on the spiritual aspect.


Meaningfull Life, Logotherapy, Islamic Psychotherapy, Post-Psychosis Patient


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DOI: 10.21043/kr.v11i2.8105

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